Monday, February 27, 2012

That awkward moment when

You storm into a classroom to be confronted by a classroom of unfamiliar stares. Quickly you realize you are in the wrong class

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Driving on the Wrong Side

That awkward moment when you are driving back to Harper with your American Dad is driving stick shift on the wrong side of the road and proceeds to drive on teh curb in front of everyone...Good thing it is a rental.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Take me out

I am working on finding the words to explain Take Me Out. I am afraid I may never find the right ones, but I will try my best.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Up before the birds

Valentine's day is to be spent with the ones you love, glad I am going to a dairy farm this morning! It is my first research project day. I hope it goes well, and I don't miss too much in class. I thought that missing class would mean I get to sleep in, but the truth is that is quite the opposite. To think that back home people are just now going to sleep is hard to imagine, I would not mind doing that myself though. Happy Valentines day!

ANIKA!!!! I got your package finally

I would put a picture up of what Anika sent to me, but I do not believe that it is blogpost appropriate. Although I love the letters from Mackenzie Reynolds, Megan Wildman, and of course Anika Zuber. I read them to all of my flatmates. I was not to pleased with the wrapping job on the one box though, I felt like the whole this was a prank. No worries though, I already am wearing it <3. Now the book......really, good thing I did not open it in the Facenda building. I was embarrassed enough opening it by myself. Hope the 'rents don't see it when they come up. Love you all sooooo much and thank you for the wonderful gifts. I am working on getting more pictures that is my goal for this week.
Everyone from England-Remind me to take pictures! I am holding you accountable, I know you read this so you might as well. Sorry Matt for not putting you in my blog, but now that you gave me a wet willy (I imagine you are going to make fun of me for saying that because it is probably different in the UK) the WAR is on!!! * I fixed your name Jonathan Thomson by the way. Take note of color coding

What is it doing outside

I am not exactly sure the state of weather outside. I felt like a football player putting my head in a mist fan during the middle of winter. Great fun

Mom never sleeps

This morning I was woken up by my mom calling me. The fact that we are five hours ahead of NY is sad to say. It was four in the morning at home, I really am concerned she never sleeps. "Betsey, I am so glad that you are up and I have someone to talk to when I am mopping the floor." If I can have that stamina when I am a Mom I am in good shape.
I probably would have been up earlier, but when I went to take out my laundry at 7:20 this morning the door locked behind me. Not pleasant! I sat outside of our flat for about a half hour waiting for someone to wake up. It was really embarrassing when the people from the other flat saw me sitting there waiting to be let in in my pajamas. I must have looked pretty pathetic because Lewis was so nice and stayed out with me until Cameron woke-up. I have 2 wishes for today, 1) to grow up like my Mom 2) to never be locked out of our flat again.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Just call me Betty Crocker

I have made Nutella crepes for this Friday evening, they were delicious!!!!!!!

Please tell the stress to go away!!!

If one more thing goes wrong today I am going to scream!!!! I am sick of fighting to get things done because other people are not doing them!!!! GRRRRRR (Thank-you for the vent session, I am done now)

Made my day!!!

After three weeks of waiting my package came from mom and dad!!!! Thank you

Friday, or free day.

Both of my classes were cancelled today, neither of my professors notified us.

Happy birthday, Anna Bird!!!!!!!!!

Haven't talked in a while

My class was cancelled this morning, so I thought I would take the opportunity to catch up. I am thoroughly enjoying Harper still!!! Wednesday nights are still great like always. This past Wednesday started out not as planned, but I got through it. My morning class was cancelled, so I went for a run. I had a meeting to meet up for a group assignment at 12:00, we met at 1:00 and I missed my bus. I waited for the bus at 2:00 until 2:45-the bus never came. When I called the bus company there only excuse was-"The buses are running late, so we cancelled the last run". Thank goodness for my wonderful flatmate, Paula, she dropped me off at Newport. HSBC is not the same in the US that it is in the UK and when you do not have a debit card, they have no way of finding your account. Not even a checkbook or social security number (they don't have them here). Good thing I had some American cash, too bad the exchange rate was terrible. I handed the post worker $200. and recieved £113, that is a bummer. Trying to scrummage through the store I found all of the make shift ingredients for Chicken Wing Dip, made my own ranch, cooked and chopped up my own chicken, and used the UK's version of Frank's Hot Sauce (Maybe that is why it was so hot).
Went to catch the bus, 2 minutes late, missed it. I waited and chatted with a guy that was in my Tourism and Leisure class until the bus came. My key still won't work, I waited for someone to walk past the door and started pounding like I was a lost child-which I was. I ran upstairs and immediately started cooking, when shortly after Tom called me (Ginge)-"Rory will come to pick you up half past 6." He had to say it like 3 times because I had not a clue what he said. I said that is fine, hung up, and then looked at the time 18:23-Seven minutes really?!?! I changed my clothes, sprayed perfume on, left my hair in a rats nest, and then grabbed the chicken wing dip with my shower towel and left. What a day. I felt gross, when I walked in and everyone else looked so well groomed...I still had no make around where I got my eyebrows waxed earlier....that is embarrassing.
Never the less, we went to the pub for an official birthday party for Anna Bird, (PS-I love everyone here, I cannot tell if I am laughing at their accents or if I am laughing at them laughing at my accent, either way some great quotes from the night.)
~Highlighted toasts-
A toast to this table being like the UN (Whales, England, Ireland, Romania, US, and Zimbabwe all represented)-Jonathan Thomson
Many others, but I cannot remember all of them-We all had to say one before tha main course.
After the delicious meal-I had the Chef's beef pie and a Apple Raspberry Crumple with Custard-SOOOOO GOOD!!!!
We walked to the bar on campus, and danced until the cows came home-Actually it was more like until my feet were going to fall off. Then it was off to sleep.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fire in the Hole!!!

All I wanted was a baked apple, I didn't think that was too much to ask. Apparently it was! I will admit to having my blonde moments, but not this time. I truely blame it on the cultural difference between the US and England. In our kitchen for 8 people we have 2 kitchen sets, 2 what look like ovens on both sides. Well I learned now the top oven looking thing is a grill, that when it is used-the door must be opened. Ask me if I think that is a safe thing to have in a college dorm and I would say no. Again, all I wanted was a baked apple. The knob does say dual grill with the coiling at the the top, but we have that on our oven at home. I thought the dual grill was like our convection oven, either way the apple was not in the oven for more than 2 minutes at MAX! When I saw the fire, I immediately told Cameron, my flat-mate and he extinquished it with the CO2. Then the warden came and laughed at me, and was like apparently in the US they don't teach common sense. I remind him we don't have grills in doors, and we definitely don't have grills you have to leave the door open.... This is just my luck, I really am a good cook